School Board Endorsements

M. Ellen Zerr

City of St. Charles School District

M. Ellen Zerr

Ellen’s expertise in education was recognized by her peers in 2009 when she was selected as the St. Charles High School Teacher of the Year.  Prior to her career of more than 20 years teaching high school chemistry, Ellen worked as a chemist in a large manufacturing company.  Her diligence and passion make her a very effective current member of the Board of Education for the City of St. Charles School District.  Ellen serves as the district’s delegate to the Missouri School Boards Association.

Follow Ellen on Facebook at M. Ellen Zerr, St. Charles City School Board.

SCCFFPS is a non-partisan political action committee established by concerned neighbors seeking to protect local schools by working to elect reasonable, moderate citizens to the boards of education.  The group works to preserve school funding, empower families, support teachers, and promote public education as vital to our thriving community.